
See below for details of our Premium Database!

30% Sale Through 2/26/2025

Click for a Demo of Our Premium Database!

Premium Database:

The database is updated weekly and contains 500+ Investment Banking and Consulting internships/full-time positions along with:

  • Interview tips for specific companies

  • Interview prep material

  • Applications and deadlines linked so that you can apply with one click

  • Insider information about the application process

  • Professionals to network with

  • Buyside deadlines, interview prep, and people to network with for the sweatiest of students

We send the updated dataset every week with the latest banking and consulting job postings.

Students we have been helping have already landed roles at Blackstone, Goldman, J.P. Morgan, Jefferies, Citi, and Solomon.

To get access to the database and the weekly updates, you pay a one-time fee of $45 that grants you annual access to the updated database. If you don’t find our services helpful, we simply ask for feedback on an area we can improve upon and will refund your $45.

This is a small investment for a huge payout when you secure your dream offer!

Video of Premium Database——>The Pulse Database Video

Payment Details: